What if you could unlock the secrets to double your confidence, achieve your goals, overcome obstacles, and transform your life in the next 90 days? 

Discover the super simple - yet effective - system to turn your dreams into reality and do what you think is impossible. 

Created by a 2x Olympian, TEDx speaker, and 3x international medalist. 

 Expanded + Updated!


What people have said...

Hey, great to meet you!

 Hi I’m Segun Makinde, 2x Olympian, TEDx speaker, and founder of The Inner Olympian. I'm pumped to help you grow your confidence to achieve your goals and do what you think is impossible.

Learn the Exact System That Helped Me Attend Two Olympic Games & Win 3 International Medals

Without having to train to go to the Olympics yourself! 

Get Instant Access Now

I always believed I was destined to make an impact in the world.


I didn’t know how, but I knew I wanted my life to have meaning and purpose. To leave a lasting legacy that would inspire others to reach for their dreams and achieve their own version of greatness.

But for the longest time, I found myself stuck in a rut, unsure of how to break free from the chains of doubt and uncertainty.

As a result I did all the “right” things. I went to school, stayed out of trouble (for the most part), got good grades, went to university, and tried my best to be a hard working and productive citizen.

Like many, I pursued stability over passion and conformity over creativity.

Yet, deep down, I knew I was meant for more. I yearned for the freedom to pursue my dreams, to make a difference, and to live life on my own terms.

But I was feeling trapped. 

I knew I was meant for more.

I yearned for the freedom to pursue my dreams, to make a difference, and live life on my own terms.

Literally, I would stand outside look up at the sky and pray “God” help me to find a job that I don’t hate.

I didn’t want to wake up in the morning to boring, pointless, and unfulfilling work.

I wanted to wake up in the morning full of confidence knowing that I was living life on on my terms (not a life dictated to me by others or society) and knowing that what I was doing was having positive impact on the world/ people around me

I was tired of going through the motions.


I was living a life that I didn’t truly want to live.

I was allowing limiting beliefs and external circumstances to hold me back.

I wanted to experience more confidence, more clarity, and more control over my own destiny. 

I wanted to pursue my dreams with passion and purpose.

I wanted to escape the cycle of mediocrity. 

You see we all have the power within us to achieve everything we’ve ever wanted and more...

I just hadn’t yet discovered the secret to tap into my full potential and the unstoppable force that lies dormant within all of us.

I didn’t have a proven system to master my mindset/, set goals, and take strategic action.

I didn’t yet know how to overcome fear, or self-doubt, and step confidently into the life I always imagined.

I didn’t know how to become the master of my destiny, and chart a path forward toward success and fulfillment with unwavering confidence and determination.

I just didn't know.  

Around 2008-2009 I learned about the Olympics, TED talks, entrepreneurship... and was amazed!


I thought about how cool would it be to make a living doing something I love, or go to the Olympics, or give a TED talk, or even... start a business? 

These all sounded appealing to me because I wanted to do those things!

Being able to accomplish those things while not easy, would definitely be worth it. Even if it actually wasn't possible, at least I would be able to inspire others or say that I tried.

But that’s the thing - I didn’t know that it actually WAS possible.

I just needed a goal... and a plan!

Now, maybe you have dreams about doing something you think is impossible for you.

If so, let me be the first to tell you...it's not.

You see for most people it’s much easier to play it safe, stay within their comfort zone, and just keep doing what they've always been doing. If what you desire happens - it happens, and if it doesn’t, then it probably wasn’t meant to be.

No issues, no worries, no problems.

The reality is that fear of the unknown, loss, and potential embarrassment or pain are the main killers of many a dream. NOT whether they are possible or not. 

Again, I’m here to tell you that you don't have to live like that - at least, not unless you want to.

Achieve Your Goals Without Having To Go the Olympics... Or Train 15,000hrs.

Click the link below for instant access. 

Get Instant Access Now

The myth of motivation and goal achievement...


Here’s the general premise

Step 1: Set Your Intentions - Start hoping and wishing. Vibe higher to begin manifesting your dreams and desires.No need to be clear. The universe will figure out what you want by your vibes.

Step 2: Positive Affirmations – Forget aligning actions your actions to match your goals. Just recite positive affirmations multiple times over and wait for the magic?

Step 3: Visualize Your Goals  No need to actively plan and work toward your goals - just keep dreaming. Sit back, relax, and watch your goals unfold before your eyes.

Step 4: GratitudeDon’t do anything yourself. Journal, dance, vibe, and just feel it. Thank the Universe, for doing it all for you. 

Step 5: Fake it till you make it -  Pretending is believing. Realize that you are the main character. Everything revolves around you. Play your role and the universe will play along as well. So much fun! 

Step 7: Overnight Miracle - Become an overnight success. Effort? Patience? Consistency? Screw that. Just believe and fake it even harder. This is the key to turning your dreams into reality.

Ok hopefully you realize I was being sarcastic. 

However, randomly wishing and dreaming isn’t a strategy.

Millions of people dream each day and even more die with those dreams never realized.

The real question is what are you going to DO about those dreams? 

How are YOU going to achieve them?

What’s the PLAN?

Who can you ask for help?

Do you even believe that you can accomplish this goal?

Do you even believe that thesis possible for YOU?

Look, achieving your goals is not easy. 

Nothing happens overnight.

You know this.

It takes work.

It takes wffort.

But it takes strategic work - and when done properly, it actually makes achieving your goals much easier than you would think.

Can you actually do what you think is impossible?


The answer is a resounding YES!

However, it will not be easy.

BUT, easy doesn’t mean impossible! And that's key.

It just means you need a PLAN, a step by step process to follow that will bring you CLOSER to your goal until you eventually reach it!

Again, it will not be easy BUT achieving your goals is more enjoyable and rewarding when it’s earned vs given!

You see, doing what you think is impossible is in fact VERY possible, and over the past decade or so I’ve slowly and quietly been able to accomplish most if not all the things I thought were once impossible and I want to show you how you can do the same .

And the best part?

Anybody can do it - Including YOU!

Over the past 10 years I’ve developed a system that can ACTUALLY help someone turn their dream into a physical, tangible, reality, without all the doubts, and overwhelming fear that often accompany someone on the pursuit of their aspirations.

 Now if you’re skeptical - welcome to the club.


If you were to ask me back in then if I thought I was going to go to the Olympics (twice), break multiple records, win multiple international medals, give a TED talk, or even obtain a masters degree from one of the best universities in my country - I might have laughed in your face or definitely thought you were some sort of crazy person or lunatic. Why? Because I was a different person back then compared to who I am now. For example:

BACK THEN: Not Confident 
ME NOW: Radiates confidence and self-assuredness. Stands tall with unwavering belief in my capabilities.

BACK THEN: Didn't Believe In Myself
ME NOW: Believe in my abilities and potential wholeheartedly. I wake up every day with a sense of purpose, knowing that I hold the key to unlocking my limitless potential and making a meaningful impact on the world.

BACK THEN: Scared of Failure
ME NOW: Embraces failure as an opportunity for growth.  Sees setbacks not as roadblocks, but stepping stones to success. Each failure is a valuable lesson, that propels me forward and contributes to my personal and professional growth.

BACK THEN: Anxious About Trying Something New
ME NOW: Thrives on new challenges, finds excitement in the unknown. Instead of being paralyzed by fear, I thrive on challenges, finding excitement in exploring uncharted territories and discovering the hidden gems within me.

BACK THEN: Scared To Leave Comfort Zone
ME NOW: Courageously steps out of comfort zone, seeking growth. I understand that true growth lies outside familiarity, and actively seek opportunities that push my limits, knowing that this is where the most profound transformations occur.

 Who I was back then was afraid...


He believed (better yet - he knew) these things were possible. However he didn’t know how to pull them off.

Can you relate?

For many, life feels like a series of obligations dictated by others, where they find themselves constantly meeting expectations but never truly pursuing their own dreams. They wake up each day, go through the motions, and go to bed feeling unfulfilled, wondering if there's more to life than this mundane routine.

They follow the path of least resistance, conforming to societal norms and expectations, only to realize that they're not living authentically. Despite their efforts to blend in and avoid rocking the boat, they can't shake the feeling that they're missing out on something greater.

Yet, deep down, there's a longing for something more meaningful and purposeful. They yearn for experiences that light up their soul, activities that bring genuine joy and excitement into their lives. They crave a sense of fulfillment that comes from pursuing their passions and living in alignment with their true values.

That person used to be me. I was the same way and I was dying inside.

I needed to do something different. I knew I needed to make a change, to break free from the chains of mediocrity and pursue a life that truly resonated with my soul. I couldn't continue living in a state of quiet desperation, yearning for something more but never having the courage to chase it.

I wanted to be able to tell my kids and grandkids cool stories about the things I did, people I met, or the things I created. I wanted to enjoy and love what I chose to do, I wanted to be able to look back on my life with no, “if only’s”, “what ifs”, or regrets.

And by God’s grace (and a LOT of trial and error) I figured it out."

Because here’s the secret - Doing what you think is impossible - is actually VERY possible.

You just need to have a strategic plan and system in place otherwise you’ll waste your time and kill your chances of success.

And I’m not about to let that happen to you.

So I took my decade’s worth of knowledge, success, pain, frustration, and experience (over 15 years and 15,000 hours worth) and distilled it down into a repeatable, easy to follow system.


The Gold Medal Blueprint

Everything you need to do what you think is impossible.

A step-by-step, proven system that slowly but surely helps you turn your dreams, ideas, skills, and passions into a reality so that you can start living, and enjoying life on YOUR terms no matter the obstacles, set backs or distractions you may face.

The Gold Medal Blueprint will help you create:


  •    Unshakable Self-Confidence: The Gold Medal Blueprint empowers you to forge unshakable self-confidence, unlocking your inner strength to face challenges and pursue your dreams with unwavering conviction. Imagine standing tall, resilient, and self-assured in the face of any obstacle life throws your way.
  •    Clarity in Goal Setting: This course guides you in setting clear and ambitious goals, providing a roadmap for achievement. Picture a life where your aspirations are crystal clear, and each step you take aligns seamlessly with your overarching vision, bringing purpose and direction to your journey.
  •    Resilience and Mental Strength: The Gold Medal Blueprint cultivates resilience and mental strength, arming you with the mental fortitude to overcome setbacks and embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. Envision a mindset that turns adversity into fuel for your personal and professional evolution.
  •    Transformational Personal and Professional Success: By following this blueprint, you'll experience a transformative journey towards unparalleled personal and professional success. Imagine a life where you not only reach but surpass your goals, and achieve a level of success that impacts those around you in a positive way.

The Gold Medal Blueprint is an online course that gives you the tools, mindsets, and proven system you need to build solid self confidence, create a lasting impact, and (literally) do what you think is impossible to live a life that you love.

Over the course of 5 value packed and easy to follow modules I lay out for you the exact method I used to turn my dreams into reality (multiple times over) without skipping a single step. 

Some of the core areas this program is focuses on include...


  •    Self-Confidence Mastery: Gain profound insights and practical strategies to silence distractions and cultivate unshakeable self-confidence. Learn to navigate external pressures and internal doubts with unwavering focus on your goals.
  •    Mindset Transformation: Overcome mental distractions and reshape your mindset. Uncover the secrets to dispelling limiting beliefs, embracing challenges, and maintaining a growth-oriented perspective, even in the face of life's distractions.
  •  Resilience Building: Develop resilience to overcome setbacks and distractions. Cultivate mental toughness, allowing you to bounce back from challenges and stay focused on your objectives.
  •    Practical Application: Implement learned strategies amid distractions, turning challenges into opportunities. Apply goal development and planning techniques for sustained success, even in the face of external disruptions.
  •    Sustainability Practices: Develop daily practices that shield against distractions, anchoring newfound confidence. Ensure lasting success through a holistic approach to goal setting, planning, and execution.
  •    Holistic Well-being: Integrate mental, emotional, and physical well-being strategies to navigate distractions. Achieve balance across all aspects of life, fostering a sense of fulfillment and sustained success.

With these components in place, all you have to do is focus on making weekly progress towards your goal and watch as those once distant dreams become your current reality

It’s literally plug and play - even if you’ve never tried or are currently working towards your goals!   

If you follow the steps and put in the work - you’ll get the results!

Here's a sneek peek inside...

Module 1 - The Foundation

  • In Module 1 you will gain clarity around your DREAM, PURPOSE, and VISION. These will serve as the “foundation” for a goal that is strong, clear, motivating, and inspiring. 

Module 2 - The Structure

  • In Module 2 you will further break down the goal you selected in Module 1 to gain even more clarity regarding the goal and the steps needed for success.

Module 3 - The Plan Part I

  • In Module 3 we begin to identify key milestones, potential roadblocks, and craft the details of your action plan and the steps necessary to turn your dreams into reality. 

Module 4 - The Plan Part II

  • In Module 4 you will dive even deeper in to the roadmap and by the end of this module, you'll have a comprehensive plan in place that you can start taking action on immediately to achieve your goal.

Module 5 - Overcoming Obstacles & Distractions

  • In this module, you'll learn strategies to help you overcome the hurdles and distractions that stand between you and your goals allowing you to stay focused and resilient amidst challenges.

“Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.” 

― Pablo Picasso

 Worksheets & Checklists Included

The entire Gold Medal Blueprint online course is available in both video and audio formats (in case you want to listen during your commute or workout) and PDF notes are included.

On top of that each module contains worksheets and more to help you know exactly what to do with all the information you’ve just consumed and so that you can get started acting on what you learned as soon as possible.

The system I teach in The Gold Medal Blueprint focuses on being simple, straightforward, and easy to implement with a bias towards actions because knowledge is great, but action is better. 

On top of that, to make your accomplishing your goals as fail-proof as possible I’ve also included a ton of bonus content that will be constantly updated inside what I call - “The Vault”


Here is a peek at some of the amazing stuff the vault will contain inside:

  •    Advanced Goal Setting Techniques: Unlock additional strategies for setting and achieving ambitious goals. Dive deeper into personalized goal-setting methods, ensuring your objectives are not only clear but also aligned with your unique aspirations.
  •    Mastering Focus in the Digital Age: Navigate the challenges of constant digital distractions. Discover advanced techniques to maintain focus in the era of information overload, allowing you to stay on track with your goals despite the external noise.
  •    Exclusive Interviews and Success Stories from other Olympians: Gain insights from accomplished individuals who have successfully navigated challenges to achieve their goals. Learn from their experiences, setbacks, and triumphs, extracting valuable lessons to apply to your own journey.
  •    Monthly Q&A Sessions: Engage in live question-and-answer sessions.Get personalized guidance on overcoming specific challenges, ensuring you have the support and insights needed to address any roadblocks on your path to success.
  •    Mindfulness and Stress Management Practices: Access exclusive content on mindfulness and stress management techniques. Learn how to stay grounded, manage stress effectively, and cultivate a sense of inner calm amidst life's uncertainties, fostering a conducive environment for goal attainment.

NEW - The Self Confidence Blueprint!

I'm also including the Self Confidence Blueprint training which shows you how you can begin to develop olympic level self-confidence for greater success in your personal and professional life.

“Unless you have definite, precise, clearly set goals, you are not going to realize the maximum potential that lies within you.”

– Zig Ziglar

The Gold Medal Blueprint is for you if…


  •    You Desire Unshakeable Self-Confidence: If you want unwavering confidence that propels you towards your dreams, this course provides a step-by-step guide to cultivate confidence that withstands challenges.
  •    You Seek Clarity in Your Goals: If you feel overwhelmed or uncertain about your goals, this course helps you clarify your aspirations. Through structured modules, you'll gain a clear roadmap, ensuring every step aligns with your vision.
  •    You Crave Personal and Professional Growth: Whether you're a professional aiming for career advancement or someone seeking personal development, this blueprint is tailored to fuel your growth. It empowers you to surpass limitations and achieve your fullest potential.
  •    You Want to Overcome Setbacks: If setbacks and obstacles have hindered your progress, this course equips you with strategies to turn setbacks into opportunities, ensuring you navigate challenges with grace and determination.
  •    You're Ready for Transformation: If you're ready to transform your life, break free from limitations, and embrace a future filled with achievements, "The Gold Medal Blueprint" provides the tools, knowledge, and support for your transformative journey.


This is NOT for you if…


  •  You’re Expecting a Magic Pill: Or a secret hack or overnight success to achieve your goals. I can’t promise that.
  •    You're Not Willing to Put in Effort: If you're looking for a quick fix or overnight success without putting in the necessary effort and dedication, this course may not be the right fit. Achieving goals requires consistent action and commitment. You have to be passionate and willing to put in the time and follow the steps
  •    You're Unwilling to Embrace Change: If you're resistant to change or hesitant to step out of your comfort zone, this course may not align with your mindset. Growth and transformation often require embracing new perspectives and challenging the status quo.
  •    You Prefer Passive Learning: If you expect results without active participation or engagement in the learning process, this course may not meet your expectations. Success in goal achievement requires proactive involvement and application of concepts.
  •    You're Closed-Minded: If you're closed-minded and unwilling to explore new ideas or perspectives, this course may not resonate with you. A growth mindset and openness to learning are essential for maximizing the benefits of the program.
  •    You're Not Ready to Invest in Yourself: If you're not ready to invest time, energy, or resources in your personal or professional development, this course may not suit your current priorities. Successful goal achievement often requires a willingness to invest in oneself and prioritize growth.

Quick FAQ: 


“How much time do I realistically need to put into my dreams for them to come true or for it to work out?

The truth is it all depends. What is your goal? What are you doing? What is your plan? These are some of the variables that will affect how much time it might take for you.

“I know what I’m passionate about but I just don’t understand how I can turn that into reality”

This is normal. Most people (myself included) have at one point or another dreamed about their goals - but have gotten stuck at the “how”. That is the entire purpose of The Gold Medal Blueprint  - to help you discover what you want to, how you can do it, and who can help you do it.

“Is it really possible for me to do what I think is impossible, grow my confidence, and have a positive impact on the world? Or is it too late?”

More and more people everyday are stepping out of their comfort zone, growing their confidence, and living the life of their dreams on their terms - So why not you?!

Don’t let fear hold you back from adding value to the world, helping people, and living a great life. 

The Gold Medal Blueprint isn’t based on fads, trends, waves, or B.S theories


Instead, it is based on the core philosophy of strategic planning. It's about carefully considering how best to achieve your goal. It involves examining your current realities, defining your vision for the future, assessing your strengths and weaknesses, and evaluating the resources available to you. From there, it's all about taking decisive action on the opportunities that align with your objectives and propel you towards success.

This strategic approach ensures that your efforts are focused and aligned with your overarching objectives. By systematically analyzing your situation and resources, you can identify potential challenges and devise effective strategies to overcome them. This proactive mindset empowers you to navigate obstacles with confidence, adapt to changing circumstances, and ultimately, stay on track towards achieving your goals. With the Gold Medal Blueprint, you'll have the framework and guidance you need to optimize your path to success and unlock your full potential.

Now hopefully you’re starting to see how powerful this program is!

From, “it was just a dream” to creating a step-by-step plan to achieve it and make it a reality The Gold Medal Blueprint is your turn-key solution.

Here’s the reality, because I’ve been able to accomplish my goals and do what I think is impossible, I’m able to charge between $2,500 —$5,000 to give inspirational talks and teach it to my clients one-on-one.


Because with this knowledge they are then able to turn around and create success -  whatever that happens to look like for them!

But when I decided to package my system into a course that anyone could follow, at their own pace, I wanted to make it as accessible as possible.

Get instant access to the Gold Medal Blueprint for just one payment of $247.

Click the button below to get started today!


The choice is yours...

Pick which ever version of the course is right for you!




The Gold Medal Blueprint Course

"The Vault" - Bonus videos and guides

NEW SERIES: The Self-Confidence Blueprint 

Inner Mindset Masterclass  

Inner Impact Masterclass  

Inner Resilience Masterclass 

Inner Alignment Masterclass 






The Gold Medal Blueprint Course

"The Vault" - Bonus videos and guides

NEW SERIES: The Self-Confidence Blueprint 

Inner Mindset Masterclass  

Inner Impact Masterclass 

Inner Resilience Masterclass 

Inner Alignment Masterclass 


100% Money Back Guarantee

If you are not 100% satisfied after 60 days, we will offer you a full refund.

Don’t Forget: It’s 100% Completely Risk Free


I’ve packed a lot into The Gold Medal Blueprint because not only do I want you to experience the impact and the lifestyle that you deserve but I want to guarantee that you don’t fail.

And to make it a no-brainer deal for you I’m giving you a 60 day, not questions asked, 100% money-back guarantee with your purchase of The Gold Medal Blueprint today.

That’s right: Go through the ENTIRE course, check out the bonuses, follow the steps, put in the work, and if you don’t love it in the first 60 DAYS of your purchase, send me an email and I’ll refund you immediately.

No questions asked, no hard feelings.

If The Gold Medal Blueprint doesn’t work for you, I’d much prefer for you to take your money and invest it where you will be happier and get results. I just want you to unlock your full inner potential!

Also - if you sign up for The Gold Medal Blueprint today you’ll receive some exclusive bonuses:

Bonus 1 - The Inner Mindset Masterclass ($197 value)

  •  Inner Mindset Masterclass will teach you how to cultivate a growth mindset, overcome limiting beliefs, and develop a positive outlook on challenges and opportunities. You'll learn proven techniques to reframe negative thoughts, enhance self-belief, and unlock your full potential for success

Bonus 2 - Inner Impact Masterclass ($197 value)

  • Inner Impact Masterclass will teach you how to communicate with influence, build strong relationships, and leave a lasting impression in your personal and professional interactions. You'll discover strategies to express yourself authentically, connect with others on a deeper level, and make a meaningful impact in any situation.

Bonus 3 - Inner Resilience Masterclass ($197 value)

  • Inner Resilience Masterclass will teach you how to bounce back from setbacks, navigate challenges with grace, and emerge stronger in the face of adversity. You'll develop resilience strategies to cope with stress, adapt to change, and maintain a positive mindset even in difficult circumstances.

Bonus 4 - Inner Alignment Masterclass ($197 value)

  • Inner Alignment Masterclass will teach you how to align your actions with your values, priorities, and goals to create a sense of purpose and fulfillment in your life. You'll explore techniques to identify your core values, set meaningful goals, and live authentically in alignment with your true self.

“Do not wait; the time will never be ‘just right.' Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along."

— Napoleon Hill

Here’s what you’re getting with the Gold Medal Blueprint:


  •  All XX core Gold Medal blueprint videos with in-depth step-by-step training ($2500 value)
  •  The Gold Medal Blueprint Vault including additional bonus videos and guides to help you take the core training to the next level ($1500 value)
  • NEW SERIES: The Self-Confidence Blueprint ($497 value) 
  •  BONUS: Inner Mindset Masterclass will teach you how to…  ($197 value)
  •  BONUS: Inner Impact Masterclass will teach you how to… ($197 value)
  •  BONUS: Inner Resilience Masterclass will teach you how to… ($197 value)
  •  BONUS: Inner Alignment Masterclass will teach you how to…  ($197 value)


Total value for all
of this amazing training = 



If all this did was...


  •   TRANSFORM your mindset and unlock your inner potential...
  •   PROVIDE you with the tools to achieve your goals and live a fulfilling life...
  •   EMPOWER you to overcome obstacles and thrive in any situation...
  •   EQUIP you with the confidence and resilience to conquer your dreams...
  •   CHANGE your perspective and inspire you to take action towards your goals...


Wouldn't it be worth it?

Get access to the ENTIRE Gold Medal Blueprint for just one payment of $247.

Click the button below to get started!


You're seconds away...

When you login to the private members area, you’ll be able to access the entire Automatic Income Academy program and begin watching video trainings immediately.

You can take the course on any device you like: computer, tablet of phone. As long as you have internet access, you have the course!

Oh and by the way, when you join you get lifetime access to this material - even if I update and add to it in the future.

Don't want the bonuses?

Now - if for some reason you don’t want all four of these bonuses I’m offering you a basic version of the course.

You still get all core videos of the Gold Medal Blueprint program plus the additional bonus videos and guides inside “The Vault”.

But you won’t get the Mindset Masterclass, Impact Masterclass, Resilience Masterclass, or Alignment Masterclass.

  •  All core Gold Medal blueprint videos with in-depth step-by-step training ($2500 value)
  •  The Gold Medal Blueprint Vault including additional bonus videos and guides to help you take the core training to the next level ($1500 value)
  • NEW SERIES: The Self-Confidence Blueprint ($497 value)  
  •  BONUS: Inner Mindset Masterclass   ($197 value)
  •  BONUS: Inner Impact Masterclass  ($197 value)
  •  BONUS: Inner Resilience Masterclass  ($197 value)
  •  BONUS: Inner Alignment Masterclass   ($197 value)

You can get the basic version of
the Gold Medal Blueprint
for just one payment of $197

The choice is yours...

Pick which ever version of the course is right for you!




The Gold Medal Blueprint Course

"The Vault" - Bonus videos and guides

NEW SERIES: The Self-Confidence Blueprint 

Inner Mindset Masterclass  

Inner Impact Masterclass  

Inner Resilience Masterclass 

Inner Alignment Masterclass 






The Gold Medal Blueprint Course

"The Vault" - Bonus videos and guides

NEW SERIES: The Self-Confidence Blueprint 

Inner Mindset Masterclass  

Inner Impact Masterclass 

Inner Resilience Masterclass 

Inner Alignment Masterclass 


There are 2 types of people...

Some people dread what they do, who they are, and where they are yet never do anything about it    

They let their dreams remain just that - dreams, tucked away in the recesses of their minds, never daring to take a step forward. They stay stuck in the same cycle, wishing for change but never quite taking the steps to make it happen.

Others take action, create a vision for their future, and begin to create the life they want to experience and the person that they truly want to become

They refuse to settle for mediocrity, they understand that their dreams are worth fighting for. They're the ones who seize every opportunity, who embrace challenges as stepping stones to greatness. They're the ones who recognize that success isn't just a destination but a journey, and they're determined to make every step count.

Which is more appealing to you? Which type of person will you be?

Right now you may feel trapped or stuck where you are. You may feel like you don’t have the time or flexibility to do the things you want do or be the person that you want to be for the people you care about.

You may worry that nothing will change, that you’ll be doing/ living the same meaningless work/ life for another 5-10 years, lose your job, end up broke, and have to start all over again in your 30s, 40s, or 50s…

BUT It doesn’t have to be this way!

With the Gold Medal Blueprint course, you'll join the ranks of the fearless dreamers, the relentless achievers, the ones who refuse to let anything stand in the way of their goals. You'll learn how to harness the power of your mindset, cultivate unwavering confidence, and navigate obstacles with grace and resilience.

If you begin to be intentional to create the life that you want to live, you will eventually start experiencing that as a reality!

YOU will enjoy YOUR life on YOUR terms and on YOUR schedule.


Imagine a year from today...


You wake up each morning with a sense of purpose and excitement, eager to tackle the day ahead. Gone are the days of feeling stuck or uncertain about your path. Instead, you feel empowered and confident, knowing that you have the tools and strategies to overcome any challenge that comes your way.

 As you go about your day, you exude a newfound sense of confidence and self-assurance. Whether you're presenting to a room full of colleagues, networking at a conference, or simply engaging in conversation with friends and family, you do so with poise and conviction.

 In your career, you're making strides that once seemed impossible. You've set ambitious goals for yourself and are well on your way to achieving them. Your colleagues and peers look to you as a leader, inspired by your drive and determination.

But perhaps most importantly, you're happier and more fulfilled than ever before. You've discovered a sense of purpose that goes beyond mere success or achievement. You've tapped into your Inner Olympian, unleashing your full potential and embracing the journey every step of the way.

This isn't just a dream – it can be your reality with the Gold Medal Blueprint.

You can do this - I’m proof that it’s possible and I’m here to guide you every step of the way!

Don't let your dreams remain just dreams. Don't wait another day to start living the life you've always imagined.

Take action today and become the architect of your own success with the Gold Medal Blueprint.

The choice is yours...

Pick which ever version of the course is right for you!




The Gold Medal Blueprint Course

"The Vault" - Bonus videos and guides

NEW SERIES: The Self-Confidence Blueprint 

Inner Mindset Masterclass  

Inner Impact Masterclass  

Inner Resilience Masterclass 

Inner Alignment Masterclass 






The Gold Medal Blueprint Course

"The Vault" - Bonus videos and guides

NEW SERIES: The Self-Confidence Blueprint 

Inner Mindset Masterclass  

Inner Impact Masterclass 

Inner Resilience Masterclass 

Inner Alignment Masterclass 


P.S. Don’t forget that when you join The Gold Medal Blueprint Course  you are joining risk-free. You have an entire 60 days to watch the course, implement the strategies in your own life, take action on all that you learned, and THEN decide if it’s right for you.

P.P.S. I know what it’s like to be scared to try something new - something that might fail. I literally needed a global recession, job loss, homelessness, and the death of my grandmother to push me over the edge to get started.

That was scary! And I don’t wish any of those experiences on you!

The beauty of the Gold Medal Blueprint is that you can get my complete system, learned from over a decade of experience, and skip all the pain and mistakes I made - and you can do it without having to spend years reading countless books, or go the Olympics, or train over 15,000 hrs like I did in order to figure it out!!

It couldn’t be easier or more convenient!

Do your future self a favour and be brave. Take action.

Invest in yourself. Get the training that is guaranteed and proven, to help you make YOUR OWN dreams a reality.

Your future self will thank you!

See you on the inside...

Segun Makinde